Saturday, March 31, 2012

Urban Dictionary, Oh my.

Ever put your favorite words, places, things, clubs, whatever into Urban Dictionary??? 

Well today, during my planning while I was not being paid by your tax dollars, I looked up a couple of things. It really started innocently disgustingly enough. You see, one of our charming 5th graders shared an expression with me and rather than allowing him to explain it in front of his giggling male friends, I decided to shoo them away and look it up myself. I won't tell you what it is because it was gross and while I'm not exactly prim and proper on this blog I am atleast trying to keep it classy here at Day of Inspiration. ANYWHO, I started searching for other things that relate to my lifeand here is what I found:

Husband: A man so special, you are willing to tolerate him for the rest of your life.
Terribly funny, if you ask me. 

My search for "Kindergarten" lead me to this:
Kinder Gardening: fertillizing your plants with dead children. 
Oh Dear Lord, How morib.  Guess I won't be having a KinderGARDEN theme for my end of the year play this year. Yuck.

The worst possible torture someone can go through.

Engaged: Screwed for life.
Har, Har.

Have you ever used U.D.? What did you find?? I'd love to hear your answers!
Love & Peace.

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