Tuesday, March 29, 2011


This morning when I wrote the date on the white board I wrote:
Wednesday March 30, 2011


2 days 'til Spring Break!

It took about 4 minutes for another teacher to kindly remind me that today is in fact, TUESDAY! I like Tuesdays really I do- the culprit is Spring Break and I seem to wish it were here sooner rather than later :-)

Ooops. Happy TUESDAY!

Love & Peace!


  1. love your style!!!!!
    it´s so cute....

    follow u now

  2. I've done that MANY times... It's always the kids that point it out to me though. At one point I had a kid assigned to making sure the date was always written correctly, and once they got proficient enough in cursive they took turns writing it on the board themselves. Saved me the embarrassment and let them show off their skills!

    P.S. An adorable blog to match an adorable author. :)
