Saturday, February 25, 2012

Don't Quit.

Strong is the new skinny.

Luckily they tend come hand in hand. So say a prayer, have some peanut butter and come to the gym. Here's how I know you won't regret it.

I got REALLY off track with my workouts last week. I knew I was going to Florida and it was the week of our Valentine parties at school and I just let the excuses take over. I was at school forever late and I was only thinking about getting down to Tampa at the end of the week. So after 7 weeks of working out 6 or 7 days a week, I fell off the wagon. I worked out 2 days last week. TWO! I was so embarrassed when I met with my trainer Alex on Tuesday. I could feel how weak I had made myself by "resting" sooo long. My body didn't feel well-rested at all- it was mad at me. It was resisting everything we did. I had had such a great workout the week before, I felt so strong. And then I blew it. I said I wasn't going to do the same things this week but ask me if I went to the gym on Wednesday or Thursday. The answer is no. I did not. And while I haven't blown my diet over the last 10 days, I haven't exactly been in the my fitness mindset. You know, it's not just about the wedding dress anymore, it's about how I feel. It's about how far I have come and how I can't stop wondering, "if I can do all of this...what else can my body do??" I'm thinking about things like ToughMudder and Crossfit. I'm making LONG term fitness goals. I'm saying things like, "Once I meet my weight goal then I will...." instead of "If I can get the weight off..."

I did go to the gym last night. I did cardio and a little arm work out and let me tell y'all, I am so glad that I did. I feel rejuvenated. I pushed and pushed and pushed myself. And now I'm back on the wagon.

So get up this morning, get some coffee and some peanut butter and meet me at the gym!

Love & Peace!


  1. I love this! I've really been trying to work out more lately. Thanks for the motivation!:)

  2. Great mindset, I'm struggling with this too. It makes such a difference when you feel healthy!
