Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Routines of an 83... I mean 23 year old lady.

I spent all of the spring semester rising for the day at 5:30am. With a 40 minute drive from Nashville to Springfield I had to leave my apartment by ten after 6. I was usually at school until about 4:00 (the kids left at 2:45) and with the Nashville traffic I wasn't home until almost 5:00. By the time I decompressed from my drive and tossed something into the microwave, graded a few papers or typed up some lesson plans it was time for a quick shower and into bed by 10pm. It was always so amazing to me how quickly my 5 hour evenings FLEW by! Needless to say this bland and unhealthy routine did a number on my body.

I was cooking for one, which meant pre-packaged meals and I was so darn tired that the gym became a place from my undergrad past.

Now that Summer is half way over my life has taken on a new routine. I'm working as a special needs aid at a teacher-run camp here in Bowling Green. My hours thus far have been 12-6 M-F and it's worked out fabulously. I'm able to sleep until 9am, lounge around my messy apartment and then shower and head to work. In the last 3 weeks I have started adding an uphill 20 minute walk to my morning and I'm loving it!!! I'm cooking with Ben almost every night which means I'm more likely to eat my veggies and we're walking together at 7:30pm (most nights) This all sounds so lame when I write it down but it's motivating me to do SO much more! It's amazing what a few little steps can do. I have been fighting with my weight since junior high and I'm over it. I want to feel really good about being 23 and not waiting for tomorrow to start a new diet. I am starting a new lifestyle today. I'll keep you posted on my progress. Including some new vegan recipes I plan to try when I get back from Florida next week!

Until then, happy walking my friends!!

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